Last Saturday, three people from the congregation were baptized in the name of Christ
Even though there's a baptistry in the church building, it was decided to conduct the service outdoors. We found a great venue: a large private lake. It's used for water sports and the like, but there's room for other activities.
The sister who I baptized has been part of the congregation for years, so it was good that she was finally able to go through it. The two men are new to the church, and ours is the first place of worship they've attended. Having come to repentance and faith, I recommended baptism.
Before the event, I outlined what baptism was about, such as the internal baptism which the ritual is based on, and matters such as subjects, mode, timing, etc. Although I don't believe the scriptures point to immersion as the only valid mode, the candidates eventually chose it, so they were each immersed.
A number of unbelievers came, either relatives or friends of those getting baptized, and numerous members of the public took an interest. Leaflets explaining what we were doing were given out, too, so there was an evangelistic aspect to the day (even though this isn't a requirement for baptisms).
What a blessing! New people added to the church and the privilege of discipling them in whatever time God gives me.