The method God chose to communicate his truth to men in our time was through people reading the Bible and then explaining it. We believe the Bible is truly the word of God, and we consider the preaching of it to be at the core of our worship.

Bible study
Supplementing the preaching of God's word is the time of group study that we have. Still centred around the Bible, this meeting is more informal. We meet mid-week in someone's home, and everyone can offer their thoughts or ask questions, with the pastor leading the meeting.

As well as listening to God through what he has revealed in the Bible, we also talk to him through prayer, and He loves his people coming together for that purpose. So we pray together. We thank God for the blessings he gives, and we ask him to help us live more like Jesus and lead others to him.

Walk by the Spirit, and you will not
gratify the desires of the flesh
(Galatians 5:16)

Breaking of bread
This act of remembrance has also been known as "The Lord's Table", "The Lord's Supper" and "Holy Communion". In obedience to Jesus, we remember his sacrificial death, in the way he instructed us to. We "tear and share" a loaf of bread, which is a visual representation of his body that he offered up. We also drink wine, this typifying the blood he spilled in dying for his people.

It is a fundamental duty of all Christians to be a witness for Jesus--that is, to "give evidence" to others about why you believe on him. We attempt to reach the local community and beyond with God's truth. It could involve handing out leaflets, preaching on the streets, posting material through letterboxes, sharing the gospel with people face to face and even using social media.

To accompany the inward change which takes place when someone is converted (the primary sense of "baptism"), we encourage believers to be baptised with water, the outward sign of the inward work of the Holy Spirit. Candidates have water either sprinkled or poured on them, or they may be immersed in water. It's an act of obedience on the part of the one who has been born again.

For the wages of sin is death,
but the free gift of God is eternal
life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
(Romans 6:23)

Prison ministry
We support the taking of the gospel into local prisons, supporting this in prayer. Working with prison ministries such as Daylight, meetings are run and Bible studies held. Although we still believe in punishment for crime being essential to a properly functioning society, we also acknowledge that criminals are no less in need of the gospel than anyone else. We also maintain that they are no more in need of it. All people have sinned and need salvation.

Youth work
Our pastor volunteers with the Evangelical Movement of Wales Youth Camps, a work that involves ministering to young people each summer. The camps include lots of activities but each day is centred around God's word, and many young people have come to know Jesus as their saviour through these efforts.

Supporting missionaries
Some people have a particular burden to get the gospel out to people in other countries, and the British Isles has a long history of sending missionaries around the globe. As a church, we support several such groups. They send representatives to update us on their activities, and we then support them through more focused prayer and, as we are able, by donations.